26 | Exploring why motherhood can be so triggering – with Gemma Smith


In our fourth snapshot episode, Gemma shares new insights on how trauma shows up in the perinatal period from one of the presentations at the National Perinatal Mental Health Conference she recently attended. You’ll hear about:

  • What trauma is
  • Where trauma comes from
  • How trauma shows up in the perinatal period
  • Practical tips for working with trauma 
  • How Gemma works with trauma 

Please read my full disclaimer before listening. 

Trigger warnings

This episode contains a number of deeply triggering items due to discussing where trauma comes from and how it is triggered. It is advised you do not listen to this episode if you do not wish to hear about a multitude of potential trauma triggers. 


Book your 1:1 session with me here: https://www.halaxy.com/profile/together-pregnancy-and-postpartum/location/703391

Find out more about how my sessions work here: https://postpartumlikeaboss.com.au/perinatal-counselling/ 

Birth trauma information (please note I will do a whole seperate episode on birth trauma): https://www.birthtrauma.org.au/

Instagram accounts to follow: 





Information about Dr. Sophie and Jace:

The Birchtree Centre 


“The Fourth Trimester” 

“Call of the wild” 

Both by @kimberly.ann.johnson