43 | Postpartum and motherhood after abortion – With Kelsey and Cassidy @australianabortionstories


In this episode we are joined by two wonderful women, Kelsey and Cassidy – hosts of the Australian Abortion Stories podcast. With three abortion experiences between them, as well as Kelsey’s transition to motherhood years after her abortion, we will hear about many common elements of the abortion journey including:  

–       Common experiences in decision making

–       Emotions in early pregnancy

–       Logistics and process of having an abortion

–       Postpartum care (physical/ mental recovery + what an abortion doula is)

–       Subsequent pregnancies

–       Transitioning to motherhood after abortion

A huge thank you to Kelsey and Cassidy for their time and sharing their experiences so openly.


1:1 Counselling support

– Book a 1:1 counselling session with Gemma today

– Find out more about Gemma’s 1:1 counselling sessions

Connect with Kelsey and Cassidy 

– On instagram : @australianabortionstories

Trigger warning

– This episode includes in-depth discussion about logistical, physical and emotional elements of abortion. 


Please read my full disclaimer prior to listening.


68 | The importance of belonging – with @keeping_mum_

68 | The importance of belonging – with @keeping_mum_

RELEASED OCT 2, 2024 68 | The importance of belonging - With @keeping_mum_ In this episode we are joined by Jen and Kristelle, founders of @keeping_mum_. Jen & Kristelle come from different career backgrounds but their parenting journeys and shared a love of...

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