55 | Practical parenting support – With Sarah Bolitho @securefoundations


In this episode we are lucky to be joined by Sarah Bolitho, a Master’s qualified Child & Family Play Therapist, mother of three and founder of @securefoundations. In this episode we chat about: 

  • Sarah’s work in child protection prior to parenthood and how this interacted with her early parenting experiences 
  • Sarah’s birth experiences, in particular her difficult first birth and subsequent challenging transition to infant parenthood 
  • How Sarah’s study of play therapy transformed the way she interacted with parenting challenges
  • Examples of parenting challenges and solutions (with things such as: intergenerational parenting behaviours, reparenting, triggers from/ how to help difficult behaviours displayed by children) Sarah provides through her @securefoundations courses and community. 
  • Why support for parents is key for thriving parent-child relationships, families and communities. 

A big thanks to Sarah for her time and willingness to share her personal and professional experiences of successfully navigating the sometimes rocky terrain of early parenthood. 


1:1 Counselling support

– Book a 1:1 counselling session with Gemma today

Connect with Sarah: 

– Website: https://www.securefoundations.com.au/

– Instagram: @securefoundations

Trigger warnings

This episode discusses parental death, birth trauma and a raft of child protection issues such as child sexual abuse, neglect and removal. 


Please read my full disclaimer prior to listening.



68 | The importance of belonging – with @keeping_mum_

68 | The importance of belonging – with @keeping_mum_

RELEASED OCT 2, 2024 68 | The importance of belonging - With @keeping_mum_ In this episode we are joined by Jen and Kristelle, founders of @keeping_mum_. Jen & Kristelle come from different career backgrounds but their parenting journeys and shared a love of...

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