Website Disclaimer – Health
[Last updated 16 April 2024]
This disclaimer is for our website/s, including but not limited to, social media, podcasts, blogs, platforms, members areas, interviews, articles, or any other form of communication including information delivered electronically or digitally by or related to Gemma Smith or Together Pregnancy and Postpartum (TPP) also known as ‘Postpartum like a boss’ ABN: 66381829936 (collectively called ‘services’).
You acknowledge that in delivering our services we may interact with you in a personal (one-on-one) basis or in a group setting or we may deliver information via audio, audio-visual or digital communication or platforms.
For all services:
Our services may contain a range of information sourced and presented by Gemma Smith and TPP/ ‘Postpartum like a boss’ based on Gemma’s qualifications, experience and research as a Doula, Mentor, Coach, Educator, Counsellor and Social Worker. While Gemma and TPP/ ‘Postpartum like a boss’ present with impressive qualifications and experience, at no time is any information communicated intended to be relied upon as medical or clinical advice or treatment. Importantly, the information we deliver is never to replace medical advice.
You must seek professional medical assistance if you are concerned about your physical or mental health, your emotional wellbeing, your pregnancy, your unborn child, or children, as well as your newborn / infant or other child or children. We cannot and do not diagnose any health condition or symptoms. We are not qualified, registered or trained medical practitioners, pregnancy, or health experts. You must ensure that at all times you seek medical advice from your own medical practitioners, including specialist practitioners and hospital emergency and maternity department doctors, midwifery, nursing staff and other clinically trained clinical or allied health professionals.
You should never hold off or delay seeking treatment based on information supplied by our services. You should not vary or stop following directions given to you by a medical practitioner or other health clinician or practitioner based on information supplied by our services.
The content in the services is made available in good faith and for general informational and educational purposes only. Unless specifically stated in a one-on-one session with you, the information is not specific for you. We do not consider or advise you in relation to any underlying conditions you may have and how our research, information or opinions may impact your specific circumstances.
Case studies or examples provided may not be typical. You are solely responsible for any use you make of the material provided.
Despite our best efforts, we make no warranties that information you obtain through our website/s is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination and we make no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, or applicability of any information.
We are not responsible for any information supplied as part of the services being misleading or misinterpreted by you nor for any application you make of the information or services.
We disclaim all responsibility and all liability to the extent permitted by law (including, without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages, and costs you might incur as a result of information being inaccurate, incomplete, or not applicable in any way, for any reason.
Information provided in a personal session: In addition to the above parts of this disclaimer, where we do discuss your circumstances, for example in a one-on-one session, we rely on the information you tell us. We are not responsible for errors or omissions nor are we required to consider information, laws, facts, or circumstances outside of what you have directly discussed with us. Your overriding responsibility, in all instances, is to seek qualified and professional medical advice or assistance.
Information provided in a group session: In addition to the above parts of this disclaimer, where we do discuss your or any other group participants circumstances, for example in a group session, we rely on the information you tell us. We are not responsible for errors or omissions nor are we required to consider information, laws, facts, or circumstances outside of what you have directly discussed with us. Your overriding responsibility, in all instances, is to seek qualified and professional medical advice or assistance.
Podcasts, Blogs, Interviews, Articles, Research & Third-Party Opinions: Additionally, where we research or interview people outside of our own business or where we present information obtained from third-parties or third-party research, those opinions belong to that third-party and not us. This includes links to third-party information or sites. It also includes our Podcast and Blog Services where we may interview other people or refer to their research. When we do this, we are presenting a range of information or opinion that you may or may not consider interesting during your parenting journey. We are not endorsing any particular point of view as being accurate or applicable to you personally, although we are clearly stating that in all circumstances before you consider any information, research, or opinion, you must undertake your own research and assessment and seek medical or clinical advice before you act on any such information. In other words, at times you must do your own due diligence to determine how best to protect yourself and your family.
Your health, pregnancy, welfare, and children are important to us, but they are your primary responsibility, and your assessment and care is your responsibility. Never act on information regarding health (including nutrition, sleep, supplements, routines) without medical advice.
© 2021 Together Pregnancy and Postpartum